Preview of My New Book

Why Fast? The Pros and Cons of Restrictive Eating – Christine Baumgarthuber

My new book, Why Fast?: The Pros and Cons of Restrictive Eating, hits shelves on July 1 in the UK and elsewhere in the Commonwealth, and August 29 in North America. It’s available for pre-sale, so reserve yourself a copy. There are also plenty of copies of my earlier book, Fermented Foods, to be had.

In the meantime, you can preview a good portion of the opening chapter of Why Fast? on Google Books right now. Give it a look! It’ll tide you over until I can manage to get another piece together for this platform.


Why Fast and Fermented Foods by Christine Baumgarthuber

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And, if you’d like to help the Kitchen keep cookin’, please consider picking up copies of my books, Why Fast? and Fermented Foods.

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