
Christine Baumgarthuber runs The Austerity Kitchen. She holds a doctorate in English Literature from Brown University. Her work has been featured by Dissent, Lapham’s Quarterly Roundtable, Bon Appétit, MAX JOSEPH, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and she has appeared on Heritage Radio Network’s A Taste of the Past. Her book Fermented Foods: The History and Science of a Microbiological Wonder came out in 2021 from Reaktion Books, and her forthcoming book, Why Fast?: The Pros and Cons of Restrictive Eating, will be out later this year. She is currently at work on a history of dining. Her other work can be found at christinebaumgarthuber.com and The New Inquiry.

Follow The Austerity Kitchen on Twitter at @austeritykitchn, or sign up for my Substack: https://theausteritykitchen.substack.com/

Fermented Foods: The History and Science of a Microbiological Wonder